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Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

The Masks That I Wear!

Our personality is a mere mask,
It makes impossible to behave the same way with everyone.
Maybe judging people feels stupid.
When you never get to know the whole picture.
Rather we are all on the same page.
You chose to be bitchy with one,
Rather on the other hand;
You pick the other to pour out all the love you have.
Though they deserve it or not.
Yet still, we fight for one's approval.
So we end up,
Lost with all these tiny roles that you play.
Just like a puppet caught to do the show.
We lose our identity.
Rather dumped with responsibilities,
Fear to break one's heart.
The questions of one's future
Pushing Oneself to do everything, and to say "Yes" for everything
Though I don't want to.
Maybe pushing oneself to the end.
You might stand at the end of the cliff.
You might end up doing a programmed robot.
Acting in the way others chose you to do!
And the result.
'You never got to live your life'
It's never wrong to bend and let of things for the love in others.
But it must never come with the price of losing oneself.
Chose yourself.
See yourself in the bigger picture.
All the roles that you play.
It is still you!
You are over it.
Not one among the roles.
Fighting for other approval.
It is utter shit!

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